Prof. Pushpavanam's Research League

.... PUSHing the frontiers of Science

Department of Chemical Engineering, IIT Madras


Nikon Ni-E Upright motorized microscope
Operational features: Bright field, Epi-Bright field, Dark field, Epi-Fluorescence, DIC, Phase Contrast modes with motorized stage.
a. X-Y stage, Z (focusing) motorized compartments. This enables z stacking, a technique which combines multiple images taken in different planes into single focused image.
b. Time-lapse and multipoint experiments
c. Multidimensional imaging.
Additional Features: Extra-long working distance objectives (50X) and Manual zoom (0.6-2X) for rear camera

In order to investigate various physical phenomena at microscale, we have an Axioskope 2 MAT microscope from Carl Zeiss. It allows us to carry out
1. Bright Field Microscopy
2. Epi-Bright Field Microscopy
3. Dark Field Microscopy
4. Polarised Field Microscopy
5. Epi-Fluroscence Microscopy
6. Differential Interference Contrast Microscopy
7. Epi-Differential Interference Contract Microscopy