Congratulations to Mr. Ramkhelavan Kanaujiya (CH21D030) for receiving the Best Poster Presentation Award and a Cash Prize at the ICCCU-24, held at JNCASR, Bengaluru, from December 9–13, 2024.
Mr. Ramkhelavan Kanaujiya (CH21D030)
Congratulations to Mr. Jaganathan J (CH21D042) for winning the Best Poster Award at the 13th International Symposium on Electrochemical Science and Technology, held from January 8–10, 2025.
Mr. Jaganathan J (CH21D042)
Congratulations to Mr. Rajput Shubham Ajaykumar (CH20D753) for winning the Best Poster Presentation Award at the International Conference on Photophysics and Photochemistry (ICOPP) 2024, held at IIT Bombay from October 14–16, 2024.